Unknown threat I, oil on canvas, 2020, 120x 180,
Violence is the language of those who have no power, 2020, acrylic and oil on board, 122 x 81cm
Father, son and the Holy spirit, 2020, oil on mdf board,100x 122
Gallery view from Gallery Pirkko Liisa Topelius
Pripyat, Tsernobyl 1986, 2020, acrylic and oil on mdf board, 93x 93
Gods don’t want them, 2020, oil on canvas, 180x 120
Dehumanization is a prerequisite for and a consequence of evil acts, 2020, oil on canvas, 180x 120
Unknown threat II, 2020, acrylic and oil on mdf board, 100x 120
There are far too few monsters to be in real danger, ordinary people are much more dangerous, 2020, charcoal and oil on paper, 110x 75
God’s rottweiler, 2020, charcoal and oil on paper, 110x 75
Europe the Lover of Zeus, 2019, charcoal on paper, 105x 72
Holokaust studies I, 2019, ink on paper, 76x 62